Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Came through just fine

I survived my surgery, first 2 days had a slight fever but it wasn't awful. Some neck pain, some changes of sleeping position. I moved too much in the operating room so they had to put me out.... which means I had a trachea tube and my trachea has been mildly sore, weird when I burp. I can't say this is a horrible operation. I started on .125 mcg synthroid already.
I'm feeling pretty much ok, a little tired at times, a little winded going up hill. I thought I should just update my blog for those who are following the thyroid cancer thread and need hope, help, guidance, whatever. I did have to wait 9 hours before they took me into the operating room.
You actually walk into the operating room and hop on the table... that's a novelty. Minimally invasive seemed to be the way to go here... 2" scar or 5" scar... hmmmm. not too hard.
Think they got all the cancer but pathology will reveal whether there is anything microscopic.
Took one parathyroid and several nearby lymph nodes to play it safe. /Paul

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